

Public Justice (formerly Trial
Lawyers for Public Justice) opened its doors 25 years ago to pursue an inspiring
vision -- building the
trial lawyers' public interest law firm. We
have done that and more. Over the past quarter century, no public interest law
firm in the country has been involved in a broader range range of high-impact,
cutting-edge litigation. So we've become Public Justice to pursue an expanded,
inspiring vision -- building
America's public interest law firm.
Public Justice fights for
justice through precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class
action litigation designed to enhance
consumer and victims' rights, environmental protection and safety, civil rights and civil liberties, workers' rights, America's civil justice system,
and the protection of the poor and powerless. Our
Access to
Justice Campaign
keeps the courthouse doors open to all by battling federal preemption of injury victims'
unfair mandatory arbitration, class action
bans and abuse, unnecessary
secrecy in the courts, attacks on the right to counsel and jury trial, and
unconstitutional legislation.
Public Justice is the
principal project of the Public Justice Foundation, a non-profit
membership organization.
We are supported by – and can
call on – a nationwide network of over 3,500 attorneys and others,
including trial lawyers, appellate lawyers, consumer advocates, constitutional
litigators, employment lawyers, environmental attorneys, civil rights lawyers,
class action specialists, law professors and law students. Public Justice and the Public Justice Foundation
are headquartered in Washington, D.C., and have a West Coast Office in Oakland,
If you're not a member, please join us or contribute.
If you need our help, please
call on us. And please sign up for
free Public Justice E-lerts to receive
updates on our cutting-edge
litigation and activities.


Public Justice has objected to
a settlement involving Sharper Image's Ionic Breeze
air purifiers, which emit harmful levels of ozone. |
Arguing that a proposed class
action settlement involving Sharper Image's "Ionic Breeze"
air purifiers "looks more like a marketing tool than a fair
deal," Public Justice has filed objections to the settlement
and called on the marketing giant for a "more serious"
response to studies that show the devices emit harmful
levels of ozone.
The proposed
settlement of Figueroa v. Sharper Image, which is
pending in a Miami federal court, consists of a $19 coupon that can be
redeemed off the sale of another Sharper Image branded
product. It also gives class members the right to obtain an
"OzoneGuard" that may or may not ameliorate some of the
adverse health effects associated with use of the Ionic
Justice's objections, which were filed on behalf of a class
member who stopped using the devices after learning of their
health risks, argue that the settlement is unfair and should
not be approved. Attorneys General in 26 states and the District of Columbia also filed a brief opposing the
"The fact
that the only way in which class members can obtain value
from their coupons is by spending more money at
Sharper Image raises serious questions about the fairness of
this agreement," said lead counsel Amy
Radon, Public Justice's Goldberg, Waters &
Kraus Fellow.

Trial Lawyer of the Year finalists
will be honored at the 25th Anniversary Gala July 17
at Chicago's Field Museum. |
The Public
Justice Foundation has named the attorneys who worked on
eight outstanding cases as finalists for its 2007 Trial
Lawyer of the Year Award. The nationally-prestigious award
is bestowed annually on the trial lawyer or legal team who
made the greatest contribution to the public interest by
trying or settling a precedent-setting case. The winner will
be announced on July 17, 2007, at the Public Justice
Foundation's 25th Anniversary Awards Dinner and Gala in
"The variety of cases and the scope of settlements and
verdicts prove, once again, that trial lawyers are vital to
the protection of citizen rights and in securing justice for
the poor, the wronged and the powerless," said Public
Justice Foundation President Alan Brayton of
BraytonvPurcell, LLP, in Novato, Calif.
The finalists -- 37 lawyers among the eight cases -- were
nominated for their committed work in cases addressing a
broad range of social issues, including workers' rights,
environmental protection, juvenile justice reform, and the
rights of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita victims.
To see this year’s finalists and synopses of their cases,
click here.
Public Justice amici
helped argue for decision that reverses corporate advantage

The Supreme Court unanimously decided corporate
defendants cannot remove state court cases to federal
court simply because the corporations are regulated by
the federal government. |
In a case joined by Public Justice as part of its Access to
Justice Campaign, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled June
11 that
a class action
against tobacco giant Phillip Morris cannot be removed to
federal court simply because “light” cigarettes are subject to
federal regulation and the cigarette maker asserts a federal
preemption defense.
The decision
overturned an Eighth Circuit ruling that would have allowed
corporate defendants to eliminate most state court cases against
them by removing them to federal court. In its amici
brief, Public Justice maintained that because Phillip Morris is
not a federal officer and cannot claim it was engaged in federal
law enforcement when it privately made and sold “light”
cigarettes, the removal from state court was improper.
question before us," Justice Breyer wrote for the Court in
Watson v. Philip Morris, "is whether the fact that a federal
regulatory agency directs, supervises, and monitors a company's
activities in considerable detail" allows the company to remove
cases to federal court
under the federal officer removal statute -- which authorizes
removal by those "acting under" an "officer" of the United
States. "We hold
that it does not."
Locate Thousands of Public Interest Organizations, Legal
Resources, and Trial Lawyer Associations
Public Justice has created
a one-of-a-kind online database
for public
interest advocates.
Click here to look up complete contact information for
more than 2,000 public
interest groups, trial
lawyers' associations, legal organizations, and law schools
nationwide, sorted by dozens of focus areas.


Access to Justice: keeping courthouse doors open for all.

A Firm Commitment
to Diversity
